Thursday, 31 December 2009

My Favourite Photos from My Portfolio 2009

These images are in random order. If i would have to pick one favourite i would pick the image with robot and love heart.
All these images are important for me for some reason. Some of the images mean new start in photography for me. I know that many of them are not perfect, i know that some of them dont have focus in correct place and some of them have few distractions on the background. But i havent been into perfect spotless photography anyway.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

GinGer BrEAd HouSe

I made it! First time in my life! Thats why it looks like... hmmm... lets say it looks like bombing survivor house.

Monday, 21 December 2009

Old Skis

I was thinking to upload picture of my seiling today because i am in bad form. Seilings mean no emotions for me. It means if you are sad the you will lie down and look at the seiling. But actually i didnt do that. I was working today. I was helping my mum with stuff.
Now i have to make the fire to get warm, then i have to do some washing and then i will start making ginger cookies!!!!!

Anyway too much talking. Heres the picture. And story below the picture!

I couldnt ski with them because i broke the ski boots!

Sunday, 20 December 2009

SnoW CraZy

My Robot

(i promise, tomorrow i will upload something else, not robots)

Saturday, 19 December 2009

Christmas Cards!

I have decided to upload a picture every day! Im still wondering if i should do a new blog for project365?
This is the card on the left i made for my family and friends. They were all different- the one on the picture is for my grandmother. I took my robots to Estonia with me, they are enjoying holidays too =)

Still cold here. Last night it was -24. Mental. But i think it is getting bit warmer now, -10 tomorrow.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Flights these days. And cold in Estonia

Good Day!
From Dublin to Copenhagen. From Copenhagen to Stockholm and from Stockholm to Tallinn!
Longest day ever!

Yesterday i woke up 4.40 am, got to bus station to get my bus by 5.30 am. I was sure i will be at home in Estonia by 9 pm in evening!
But No. My flight from Dublin to Tallin was via Copenhagen. It was delayed due to bad weather.
Then in Copenhagen we missed connecting flight to Tallinn and next flight to Estonia was full. "What a nightmare," i was thinking. We got a free food voucher from SAS- at least.
After lot of waiting they said we can get a flight to Stockholm and then from there to Tallinn.
Flight to Stockholm was delayed.
Eventually we made it to Stockholm and it went pretty smoothly there so i started feeling better.
Flight from Stockholm to Tallinn was about 11 pm. Operated by Estonian Air. It was very funny. We had to take an airport bus to get to the plane and the plane was SMALLEST PLANE EVER. It was not Boeing as usual. It was something funny, cant remember. While entring into the aircraft i had a feeling that this is going to be the worst flight in my life.
When we took off everyone seemed to be in a really good form in plane as it was so small and everyone were making jokes with eachoter about it. I really felt like all the people are in Christmas spirit. Service was the best ever! We got free food, sweets and lots of smiles!
It really made me feel really good after all this waiting in airports and not eating properly as i couldnt leave from the que!
Anyway i made it home about 3 am.
This morning when i woke up i saw beautiful sunshine outside and i was thinking wow what a lovely weather. Actually its not so lovely as there is -18 outside!!!
Spending about 15 minutes out with camera made my camrera have a blackout! IHe stopped working and didnt want to be outside!
I will not take it out with -20 anymore! I knew cold is bad but i didnt know that i cant spend out with this even 15 minutes! Mental. Anyway it is working fine now.

Project 365 will start from 1st January 2010. That means i will have to take a picture every day and post it here. I will do this EVERY DAY! Sometimes when i have a photoshoot i will post more. Or maybe i will create a new blog only for this project!!!
Yeah- the picture below is basically just a button click as i didnt have time and warmness to think about composition and camera settings really. Anyone has tips for shooting toys out in -20?

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Thank you very much for Knocklofty Hotel!!!

I had a photoshoot today with Anna who is by the way pregnant 5th month and totally shining =)
I would like to thank Knocklofty Hotel who kindly let us to use their rooms and have a photosession!
Here are few shots from this. I will upload more as soon as i get a chance!

Friday, 11 December 2009


I have another hobbie which many people probably dont know about. I am crazy about postcards!!! I counted them today and i have 571 POSTCARDS from 85 COUNTRIES!

I hope i have more time soon so i can upload my favourites =)

I would love to receive surprise postcards to the following address (its my work address so its ok to publish this)

Berit Alits
41-44 Irishtown
Co Tipperary


For postcard-crazy people i would recommend the following website:

Thursday, 10 December 2009

My Photography Wishlist

I was just thinking what i would like to photograph and decided to write down my wishlist (for next year, heheh):

Nude Photography
Photoshoot with proper models who know how to work with photographers and how to pose
20s, 30s, 40s and 50s style photosoot
Rock Concert or Jazz Concert
Painting with light in dark
Big Machines (like tractors, combains, planes)
Movie Scenes
Old People in their natural environment or in old peoples care houses
Food Photography
Industrial shots (like big factories!)
IR Photography
Fireworks and other fire related photography
Slow Shutter Speed Photography
Kids in School
Continue with my faces of world project...

Must have to my gear:
proper macro lens
10-20 mm lens
good quality ND fliter
mini studio kit i saw in ebay


..jesus next year is going to be busy!

Friday, 4 December 2009

Clarisse from France! ~Faces of World Project~

My Faces of World Project had died out for couple of months- now im back on track with this again. Check-out my website, i have opened new clomumn called PROJECTS. I will be adding all the faces from different places into that folder. All the project photos will be very simple- just plain background, no flash, natural light (im using only reflector to bring the face more "alive"). And during the photo session there is lot of chatting with models about their culture, manners and country!

Clarisse from France below.

This one below is just an experiment with different background i added in Photoshop

James from Portugal will follow soon.