Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Know what you want

Before i bought a new car i said to myself that green color is the last color i want my car to be. I didnt know what color i would like.

Now i have a green car.

Monday, 26 April 2010


what is normal?

Friday, 23 April 2010

Sunday, 18 April 2010

self portaits

it took a long time to get it right! but still didnt get it right enough! jeez.

Friday, 16 April 2010


I can upload all my test shots here... =) this is from the time when i doscovered that when i pit some vaseline on th corners of my filter then i can get such an interesting foggy corners! I like messing around like that. I could really great a somekind of dark story next to that photo but im lazy. hehehee. actually im rally busy. I am working really hard now in office, its unreal busy... im a travel coordinator and that volcano kept me really busy today. you know, flights and stuff being cancelled and stuff... anyway i will run out again, some kind of band festival, i will be taking photos....yey!! can tick another box in my photography wishlist now =)

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Monday, 5 April 2010

My blog is still alive!

Another wedding to my list added! Congrats Anna and Michael!
Thank you for all who have booked me as their wedding photographer!

When i first started with photography i didnt know where it will go for me. I was just taking all the opportunities i could. I thought wedding photography will not be my thing. But i was so wrong! Oh so wrong!
There is something what i have leart about myself. That deep inside i have very romantic nature... And weddings are aboslutely perfect way to let all this out.
I love and adore wedding photography and i am so grateful i have this opportunity to become a wedding photographer.