good morning. im at work and im so busy and i dont know where to start and im feeling like im going crazy because im just moving my papers from one side of the desk to other side of the desk and im wondering what to do and where to start. all i want to do is just stay at home and write my blog and and play video games and go out and take pictures and then look stupid videos from youtube and then i want to take a cat and also i like cooking. i want to sleep until lunch and then wake up and eat estonian breakfast or irish breakfast and then do some yoga and play guitar and maybe even a dance little bit and ofcourse sing along! but im working and im waiting for evening but evening is not coming because im working late and then im tired and after work i like to smoke cigarettes. but then on the weekend im getting so tired when im trying to climb to the mountains and i need to rest a lot and im like a little old lady!!
and bla bla bla bla.
and do i have to work all of my life or shall i play lottery or shall i rob the bank or shall i get better job. oh and theres economy crisis as well and everybody are loosing their jobs and everybody are asking to keep the heads down at work and keep a low profile and we have to be happy that we have a job. and im happy that i have a job and i love my colleagues and i like to come to work every day. i dont like to wake up 7 am in a morning because i hate everything so early and i dont want talk to anyone, i just want to take my 2 coffees before i can talk to someone so early.
im just having one of THESE DAYS again. GOOD MORNING! :)
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Monday, 19 January 2009

NB! No serious posts coming from me in January- im gone off to holiday. I had too much thinking at the end of last year- if you read my posts then you see. Hyperemotional and changing myself everyday! But Now! Hey im soo stable! I have been like that 3 weeks. Its amazing.
I know what im doing, i know what i want and i know who i am.
Peace and Love!
my singing
i never want to see my neighbors again because im singing so loud that all of them are turning their music louder and louder but hey! what the heck how can i stop singing if im getting so buzzed up from that. ha!
my karaoke list has 4 songs :)
Jill Scott "A Long Walk"
Jill Scott "Getting in the Way"
Erykah Badu "On and On"
Erykah Badu "Certainly"
im also thinking to go and take vocal classes... but im afraid...
i even had a dream couple of nights ago where i was world famous reggae singer.
and im trying to study guitar as well now! i love it!
my karaoke list has 4 songs :)
Jill Scott "A Long Walk"
Jill Scott "Getting in the Way"
Erykah Badu "On and On"
Erykah Badu "Certainly"
im also thinking to go and take vocal classes... but im afraid...
i even had a dream couple of nights ago where i was world famous reggae singer.
and im trying to study guitar as well now! i love it!
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Monday, 12 January 2009
feckin rain
Friday, 9 January 2009
16 year old me
On my holidays in Estonia i was reading my diarys that i wrote when i was 16-17. Thank gooood i read them! Im so happy i wrote them because from that girl i have lot to learn! This girl was so easy-going and happy and positive and full of life. It gave me lot of energy to read this and i learnt a lot from 16-year old ME. When did i become such a worrier? Yes, i know love hurts and men suck, BUT why have i given my energy away...?! From now on every time if i start thinking too much then i will think about 16 year old me and remind that life is as easy as you make it. Everything is in your head.
...these apartments i saw today are abslolute crap by the way...
...these apartments i saw today are abslolute crap by the way...

This picture HAS to be like this in case anyone is wondering why it looks like this. I had a little walk in town after work today and i was shooting everywhere with my camera and i was unbeleiveably popular. Irish people just LOOOOVE to chat. Heh.
I got antibiotics for 1 week and i got coughing medicine as well. Also i have two appointments for today to review apartments. So hopefully i can get a good offer.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
i like photoblogs. i'll try to create my own photoblog one day aswell. i mean like real photoblog. but as long as i dont have a real photoblog, i'll try to practise here and post... hmmm.. let's say... hmmm... i cant promise to post new photo every day but i'll say as often as i can :) i will post photos.
Im going to get married with my camera.
Im going to get married with my camera.
Monday, 5 January 2009
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Tomorrow Travel Back to Sheep Land
... i will be travelling back to Ireland. Yay! Kind of miss this lil' strange country.
12.50 i am flying to Stockholm. Yay! I can entertain myself at the airport with my camera 3 hrs then. Yay!
18.15 i'll be in Dublin Airport. Im sure its not so cold in ireland as in Estonia, its minus 9 in Viljandi at the moment. Brrrrrrrrrrrr..... Believe me its too cold.
So. On Monday i will be back in office. Cant wait. I have lots of Estonian choclate for my colleagues as well. And sweets!
Also i am going to look new place to live for myself. Im hoping to find nice apartment in Clonmel, im thinking to move in alone at first. I am going to rent 2 bedroom apartment, so if im starting to feel too lonely then i have to find flatmate. Or maybe my brother will move in. We'll see.
Friday, 2 January 2009
So theres new beginning again. Circle is full and just like that starts New Year 2009, same way it starts new period in my life. Something is finished now, 2008 is passed and im looking back to this year and thinking that actually it wasnt so bad. I have done lots of work with myself and looked inside of me and discovered so many new sides of myself. And i still beleive in love. This is the best thing. And i admire my friends who are in Love and im encouraging them to keep eachother and be less angry because this is very special if you can find somebody to trust and love.
Sometimes you beleive that you have found something special and you try to keep this and you try to hold this and work on this. But not always this is right thing to do. Sometimes you have to let go. There is something i learnt to do last year. I was learning to listen to my heart. I was learning that your heart never can be wrong. Sometimes its hard to listen to it. But i always knew that the thing im doing is not right, but i ignored it because i believed in my head that i cant give up on this for some reason and oh.... its so difficult to explain. But im happy that finally i have learnt what means to listen to your heart and how important is to read signs. I beleive that life is giving you a signs all the time but sometimes we ignore them and we dont know how to read them.
Thank you 2008, i have learnt a lot and i dont forget all this bad and all this good what happened with me during the year!
Reading Signs, Understanding Symbols and Archetypes
Information comes to us in so many ways, some very subtle, as in symbols. Psychics are especially skilled at noticing and interpreting these gentle signals that appear in our lives. To be efficient and proficient in our work, we must also develop a broad understanding of the meaning of a great many signs, symbols and archetypes. Here we share some of what we have learned.
A myriad of signs and symbols guide and direct our choices in every-day life. Whether we realize it or not, signs and symbols, even the archetypes, are one of the key ways that we are civilized, or conditioned to behave according to our community's mores. As a species, no matter our race, culture, or religion, we are triggered to react in a specific way when we see certain signs and symbols. Some of this conditioning is universal and very useful - think of traffic signs and how they help to manage the flow of traffic - without them there would be chaos. Like traffic signs, when we are paying attention, signs and symbols guide us; they help us to make good choices, and to avoid chaos in our lives and in our worlds.
In esoteric wisdom, everything that exists first exists as a thought and a desire. To that extent, it follows that everything in life that has ever been given form (which is everything in the three dimensional world) is a sign or symbol of an intention. In that sense, not every sign or symbol is a call to action - sometimes a sign can be a message of the state or status of things, an affirmation of direction or purpose, or sometimes it can just be about showing you how you are tuning into all the various ways and means that energy forms itself and communicates its intentions.Many of the meanings assigned to signs and symbols are universal languages of and in themselves, and therefore there are traditional interpretations. But remember, each of us is unique, some very specific signs and symbols are also unique, the meaning is "just for us”.
Mary-Anne gives us a terrific example:
“My grandmother has always had very vivid and precognitive dreams all of her life. For her, rolling green fields always represent the impending death of a relative. Dreams of these fields always brings news of a death to this family - she is rarely given to know who it is, just through the rolling green fields, she is given to know that someone will soon be passing over. It has not failed, even once in her 80 plus years."
Signs, are usually (but not always) gentle and rarely invasive. By their very nature, they do not "demand" a response, or direct us to take action... through signs and symbols, we are given a "status report" or a suggestion to change our course. This is where our intuitive intelligence is most effective in understanding how to apply the message or meaning in the sign.
“My grandmother has always had very vivid and precognitive dreams all of her life. For her, rolling green fields always represent the impending death of a relative. Dreams of these fields always brings news of a death to this family - she is rarely given to know who it is, just through the rolling green fields, she is given to know that someone will soon be passing over. It has not failed, even once in her 80 plus years."
Signs, are usually (but not always) gentle and rarely invasive. By their very nature, they do not "demand" a response, or direct us to take action... through signs and symbols, we are given a "status report" or a suggestion to change our course. This is where our intuitive intelligence is most effective in understanding how to apply the message or meaning in the sign.
Symbols like numbers have become a language of their own... numbers overcome language barriers and are an essential element of our lives, no matter our race, culture or language... for example, everyone needs to understand the basic meaning of numbers in order to manage their personal affairs. The same applies to the letters of the alphabet, the names we have assigned to colors, and so many of the simplest symbols that populate our lives.
From the beginning of time we have assigned meaning - and symbols - to almost everything in our world. I think it all began when Adam first named the animals. It is said that he made his choices based on the energy that he felt from them, what he perceived as their purpose. That's what symbols do for us - they tell us what a specific thing or event is about, what its purpose is, and often how to deal with it.
Most signs and symbols, like a stop sign, have a specific meaning, in a specific place. Others though, like a prophetic sign - have a much grander, or deeper meaning, depending on the context in which it appears. And symbols that appear in our dreams for example, or in a meditation, or a vision, or are repeated in our environments contain messages that can only be extracted through a deeper understanding of the signs and symbols.
Symbols often speak to, from and for our "other" intelligence systems, triggering recognition and action from our souls, our hearts and our emotional bodies. You could say that signs, symbols and archetypes are a way that our subconscious and our soul will communicate with us. And so, it follows that our intuition plays an important role both in noticing and interpreting signs, symbols and archetypes.
From the beginning of time we have assigned meaning - and symbols - to almost everything in our world. I think it all began when Adam first named the animals. It is said that he made his choices based on the energy that he felt from them, what he perceived as their purpose. That's what symbols do for us - they tell us what a specific thing or event is about, what its purpose is, and often how to deal with it.
Most signs and symbols, like a stop sign, have a specific meaning, in a specific place. Others though, like a prophetic sign - have a much grander, or deeper meaning, depending on the context in which it appears. And symbols that appear in our dreams for example, or in a meditation, or a vision, or are repeated in our environments contain messages that can only be extracted through a deeper understanding of the signs and symbols.
Symbols often speak to, from and for our "other" intelligence systems, triggering recognition and action from our souls, our hearts and our emotional bodies. You could say that signs, symbols and archetypes are a way that our subconscious and our soul will communicate with us. And so, it follows that our intuition plays an important role both in noticing and interpreting signs, symbols and archetypes.
Yes, understanding the signs and symbols can help you to improve your decision-making abilities... and making better choices translates into feeling good about yourself and your life... Reading the signs, learning to understand the symbols can have real value in your life!.
Symbols become signs when they are repeated. Seeing a certain series of numbers come up repeatedly around you is a sure sign that spirit is communicating something to you. Knowing the meaning of these numbers enables you to respond to your world more effectively, to more consciously direct the energy in the ways that you wish.
I would hasten to add here that a series of numbers, for example, may not mean much translated strictly from basic numerological meanings. Our inner or intuitive sense does operate in a very personal way. For example, someone coming across the number 3 endlessly may find that the basic numerological interpretation fits with what is going on for them (an enjoyable time maybe) OR - it could be appearing as a response to a question one has been pondering or meditating on. Pretend you were focussing your inner self on the issue of how many children you will have. The focus, purely directed, will produce "answers everywhere" and in this example, that number could be interpreted to be the answer is 3.
Black cats - or any animal, insect or bird - on their own have a symbolic meaning, but when they cross your path, it can be a sign. Again, when you know the symbolic meaning of the creature, you can be prepared for the event that its appearance signifies. And when you know yourself and what certain symbols tend to mean for you specifically, you will be able to identify with even greater accuracy exactly how you should respond to the symbol's appearance.
Understanding the signs and symbols is very useful for communicating with spirit, whether this is with your higher self, or an entity from another dimension. We communicate in signs, so everything about a paranormal experience, whether this is a dream, or a visit from a ghost, becomes meaningful - part of the message. Taking time to interpret the message gives you a chance to make a wiser decision, to notice where corrections are needed in order for you to achieve your goals.
Divine Signs In Everyday Life
Psychics do not have a monopoly on insight. There are many signs that we can read to make sense of any life situation at any moment. Signs are everywhere. The Divine delights in sending us messages 24 hours a day. The Divine is earnest and responsive to your concerns.
The unfolding of each day holds meaning and significance. Each day is a personal movie before your eyes, yet you may not know how to find the meaning or the answer to your question. Remember those childhood pictures where the challenge is to find twenty-eight hidden objects? Listen and watch for those keys and you will find an answer.
You must train your heart as well as your eyes. You must recognize that there are little miracles popping up in your day, special messages to be opened. Opening the heart opens your eyes to these messages from the Divine. The magic will return to your life as you begin to recognize that you are in constant dialogue with the Divine Intelligence.
Our dream world is filled with metaphor. Few of us recognize that daily events are also imbued with meaning. The following are signs to look for during the day that you can draw insight from. Every activity in life is a living metaphor containing guidance and insight that is available to you right now. The next time you need guidance, call on the flow of your daily life for answers. The more the Divine knows you're paying attention; the more these letters to your soul will start appearing in your daily life.
1. Highways And Byways
Pay attention to what you see while you are driving. What you find in the road may be an indication of what's in your life's path. You might see a pillow in the road, which can mean you need more rest. A dead deer on the side of the road might say that you are neglecting your inner power that comes from gentleness. Also, accidents usually are way of telling you to slow your life down. Pay more attention to the road.
Walking down the sidewalk is an excellent way to receive messages. Suppose you are feeling alone with no one to talk to about the ups and downs in your relationship. If you just had someone to talk to, all might seem better. While walking through the park, you find a single blue glove on a grassy slope. You return home to find a phone message that a friend has called to say "just wondering how you are." Gloves are often a sign that help is coming, a helping hand.
2. Overhearing A Conversation
What you hear in a particular conversation can be a divine broadcast meant for you. Let's say you want to change jobs soon, but you are uncertain about such a drastic change. You are sitting in a local coffee shop reading the local newspaper and you hear two men talking about their work frustrations. One says he's had it. He's going to open up his own business, finally, after dreaming about it for sixteen years. You can hear the excitement, enthusiasm, and determination in his voice. The Divine is fanning the fires of your own enthusiasm.
Events that we witness also give us a preview of what's coming around the corner. You are riding your bike home and you see two women on the corner yelling at each other. You hear from your college-aged sister that evening. She sounds upset because a girlfriend of hers is dating her ex-boyfriend.
3. Déjà Vu
There are some people we meet where there is an immediate connection, the groundwork has already been done. You talk like you've known each other for eons (and you probably have).
Also, when you see someone who reminds you of someone else, even if there are some distinct physical differences, it is significant. This could mean you are thinking of each other, you can feel it, even if you are in California and he is in Massachusetts. Distance is not a factor. Thought knows no distance.
Parallel events are another way to experience this. You have an old friend in St. Louis who said she was thinking about moving back to your area. You are making a turn back to your house and you see a moving truck backing into a driveway. The woman who steps out of the truck looks just like her. As you get closer, you realize it's not her. That night (surprise!) she calls giving you her new local phone number and address.
4. Songs In Your Head
Ever wake up with a tune playing in your head? Let's say it's "Amazing Grace." You wonder why it's playing over and over in your head. Then, you hear it on the radio, twice, and two different renditions. You are sweating over finances, the rent is due in several weeks. You don't have the whole amount and you don't know how you'll come up with it either. Carpentry jobs are at a lull, it's at the end of the season and winter is approaching. You've been lucky to bring in even part-time income. In the mail, you receive a notice from an old boss, that he's directing a building project and is recruiting quality carpenters for the job. Amazing grace, indeed.
5. Animals Are Teachers Too
Watch animals and you'll know you have a divine teacher near you to learn from. Ever spend an afternoon with cats and watch them play with yarn? Can you play like that? How much joy is there in playing fetch? A lot.
If an owl appears in your backyard (like one did in my backyard), take notice. A wise visionary teacher has just appeared. And squirrels aren't silly gatherers either. Learn how to save up for winter from the squirrels while still finding time for a game of chase among the branches.
6. What's The Condition Of Your Inner House?
Did your bathroom just flood? Water refers to your emotional state. Check in on your emotions. You may be on emotional overload. Time to rebalance.
Cracks in your roof. Maybe it's time to repair the roof and look at some of your attitudes in your mental roof. Does your frame-of-mind work for you or against you?
Junk in your backyard. How long has it been since you've reviewed your family history or done a personal evaluation? Is it time to examine and throw out what's unused and overused in your personal life?
7. Out Of The Blue
These are signs that seem especially out of place. These events have no rational reason for occurring, but they happen just the same. They have a true signature of a Universal message because they stick out in some way.
You receive a letter addressed to you at your current address. But you don't know the senders at all. They are traveling around Europe and want you to send them your new address since they are under the impression you are moving. Six weeks later you find yourself moving to a new location.
You retrieve your voicemail messages like you always do. One of your messages is a recording of a conversation between two people. You don't know them. You don't understand how your phone could have recorded this message, but it is about money owed. Come to think of it, a friend of yours does owe you some money. You've wondered if your friend would be able to pay you. In the conversation on your voicemail, money is exchanged, paid up with interest. You later receive notice that the person who owes you money will be able to pay you after all.
You are trying to decide whether or not to take a certain job. It might not be as secure because it's by contract and you're used to a steady paycheck. You're driving and you spot a bumper sticker saying "Wrong way Safeway." The conflict over whether Safeway should be able to build a store in the neighborhood has found expression in a bumper sticker. So too has a personal message from the Divine: The safe way is the wrong way.
These are only a few keys to look for when you need guidance or a preview of the near future. They are free, but they do require your attention. There are many forms of insight. Start practicing paying attention to some of these. See what fits. And ask for more signs.
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