Here it comes! In date order- earliest first and latest last.

Hanging around Clonmel late evening with tripod and messing around with my star filter!

My after-wedding project!

Mitchelstown Caves! I have been there about 4 times and never get bored of this.

Then i wanted to do art with balloons.

Project Summary: try again. Unsuccessful.

Out with dogs.

Kids portraits. I think they came out ok. My favourite is the picture below.

Up in the mountains with dogs. Some fantastic weater last few weeks in Ireland!

Cobh. I tried to get a street scene for camera club but most of the pictures i got was that cat below. And then i got that picture above too. I like it.

Brian Cowen visited our office and i was the second photographer for this. He he i am on the picture below.

And out with dogs again....

Road trip.