Thursday 5 March 2009

The Real Will

If everybody are telling you don't do it, are you still going to do it?
Can you trust yourself? Even if you know that you don't want something but you are afraid that you are not strong enough to resist? Can you resist still? Can you do the right thing?

Words are powerful. Some like to play with us like we are just a little puppets.... some don't take an interest about the feelings we have. Some are doing what they like. Because its about THEM.

There are some words that have been said and there are some things that have been done. These cannot be forgiven. Only a Real Will would help. Real Will is so strong that it can move the mountains. If we want, we could do that. Its all about believing. If you truly believe, you will get The Will. And you will get ALL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what - Joy wouldn't feel so good - if it wasn't for pain!

In the night time i am wondering and looking to god. every morning i wake up and there is no answer.

The real will is very motivating and it seems too people are speaking the same language in the same (but uncommon) way!

everyone wants the best for everyone who is family - someone wants an easy person - the reasons are simple so should now be said!

want to see the world, travel and meet people from all walks of life, want to wake up to see the sun from different sides of the world and different beach houses! without restrictions!!!

indeed a mountain must be moved this time... this mountain is already conquered and the push is going to happen!

trust is not the issue, it is about not being a social product and having to lead a big mind in a small place - i guess if this opportunity is taken then the team can play as a team!

:) :) :)