... couple of days ago i bought good old Brick Game from 2 Euro Shop. Some oldschool game! 80's yey!!
Today i played it and it totally reminded my home.
My simple home in Võhma where i had my own room where it was totally my own world with wallpaper with sheepS and my music and my crazy magazines and books. I loved spening time with myself!
I used to have lot of time in summertime and sometimes the weather was so hot that we had to take cold showers during the day because we just couldnt scope with heat. I loved sleeping and sometimes stayed up for long time, i was watching movies with my friends and family. Sometimes i was lucky when i got up early before others.... i made my cup of coffee (i always loved coffee!), took it outside. I sat down on the stairs in front of my house having my cup of coffee and reading a book (i used to read lot more than i read now!), sometimes i took a brick game and i could play that for hours trying to beat my own recrords. I never couldnt give up before i had reached my goal! Hee hee..
Thinking back to my mothers house when i spent my teenager years seems to be so good. At that moment i couldnt appreciate what i had then.
When i was 16 my father and i started to change the wallpaper in my room and doing all that kind of repairing stuff.. i was so excited that i could pick everyting for my room. I spent hours in the shop trying to find everything perfect for my room. I had an idea what i want but as the shop and our moneys where very limited i thought i will go for a whacky wallpaper. And i picked one with sheepS! My father painted my sealing with light blue color and i got very nice lamp that looked like a Sun. So my room looked like a Happy SheepLand! Oh i miss it!
Me and my brother had old nitendo and we used to stay up all night playing Ninja Turtles! I love good old Super Mario game too! Its unbeleivable that every time when i go back to home then my mothers house is still the same like time has been stopped there and we still have this oldschool TV game which i will play again when i go back! Some good things are just going better and better in time and it makes you feel safe and comfortable in this world.
The closer summer came the more my mother wanted me to go to her plant fields and take care of them but oh! how much i hated working in garden! But how much i loved these fresh onions, potatoes, carrots, leeks, raddishes, stawberries, pease etc ec from our own garden! I wanted to eat but not take care of them! But now i would love to do that, heh.
The older i got the more rebellious i got- i hated being in this small town called Võhma. I thought its miserable place to live and every weekend i went away to bigger cities in Estonia. How much i was dreaming about travelling all the time then and how much i wanted to go, go, go all the time. And now i was wondering where should i spend my holiday, i was trying to pick a point in the world, i thought about home. And i decided to go Home.
I wont make any plans. I just want to be and take photos and spend some time doing nothing. Well, i cant say doing nothing, i better say that enjoying the time. Enjoying that time i can be in my Home again and be that little girl for my mum who will cook for me the best Estonian food in the world! :)
Waawww- i really miss my home!