Thursday 7 May 2009


Blooooody pressssssure...~!!

Two evenings ago i wrote into my notebook, i just couldnt sleep so i had to write to let things out of my head. And after i played Brick Game- seriously if you are stressed and cant sleep then play the brick game! hehe.


Im in a small grey room, the door is closed. Im feeling relaxed, everything is under control, everything is nice and quiet. Suddenly i can hear the door squeaking... someone is trying to sneak in! I feel uncomfortable... im trying to ignore, im pretending like i dont notice. The door is squeaking again- the person behind it is looking for my attention! I cant say anything. I close my eyes. The person behid the door doesnt respect my privacy. I feel fed up.


Im trying to sleep, but my eyes are wide open and my brain is working on full power. Im trying to breath but the air is too heavy and my throat is sour. Im trying to eat but my eyes are crying and im not hungry. Im trying to feel but my heart is broken and im standing like a stone. Im trying to reach but the mountain is too high an im too short.


Im almost sorted now. The days are getting brighter again.

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