Tuesday 28 April 2009

how do we really feel...?

Life is just going on and on even when the world is changing so much... and sometimes you feel like a little ant in a big world and you cant do nothing about it... most of us we are just a group of ants in a small world, unable to see and feel more than necessary for us. World is changing, sometimes it is diffucult and sometimes it is a big challenge while always keeping its beauty...

How do you really feel when you look at the newspaper or open a TV for news and all you can see and all you can hear is swine flu that is soon to be come an epidemic....? How do you really feel about living in times when the world is changing and you can actually sense this?
Do you feel like this is something nothing for you? Or do you feel like you should look after your loved ones even more? Or do you feel like going out there and help and do as much as you can?

Today i feel useless. But not depressed. If i would feel depressed then i already had given up. And thats the last thing we should feel...


Akim said...

I guess we all just need to live each moment as it comes, enjoy it and make the most of it...life's too short to be unhappy, love what we have and be thankful.

berru said...

thank you for saying this- its true. being sad doesn't bring life on anyway... :)