Tuesday 9 December 2008

Hi. Its Berit here. Emotional Breakdown. he he.

... i hate this all at the moment. I hate everything. Im disappointed. You can be so good and nice to someone but they still turn their back to you and not even bother to say anything anymore. Not even a word. What a behaviour. Most of all they hurt themselves and noone really cant take these people seriously anymore.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Fucking hate this all. I hate i had to go though this stupid road. Fucking hate. Hate. Hate.

...No. Im not gonna be cold bitch now. Not at all. If i dont have to hear anything about you anymore i will be fine. Seems like its never gonna work out.
...............im bloooody sad. Sad. Sad. Ahhh. Time will heal. Please dont contact. Please leave me alone. I have to get over. Its just sooo hard. Its so sad. Its so unreal. Why?Why?Why?

Not to think. Not to think. Not to think. Thats what im going to be. I wont think anymore.

Ahhhhh.. some release.

Had a busy day at work today. And very funny day. Im always finding these days funny when im overloaded with work. Its just a stupid reaction to start laughing in critical situations. Had to manage managers at work today. Heeee....! And i got the point how can you realise who is born to be manager and who is not. Im not a manager... yet. But today was wierd day where i had to manage managers. Its was a simple thing but it was brining out their character.
Sometimes if you give something to do for someone then some people are trying to understand for what and why they are doing this, but some people are just doing everything you told them to do. No questions. Like a monkeys.. or robots. So today i realised how hard is to manage managers. Heeeee...! But anyway. I enjoy being busy. Especially today. Especially for next.. hmm.. many many months.

And i promise. I wont write too much depressing emotions here anymore. Theres much more in my life than that.


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